ACCESS NOTICE: Price plan profile surcharges for Q3 and Q4 2020-21

We write to provide an update as to how, in light of the Covid-19 pandemic, we are dealing with Q3 and Q4 contract monitoring for National Price Plan One, Averaged Price Plan Two and Regional Price Plan customers for the 2020/21 financial year.


We have previously explained that we would monitor the impact of Covid-19 on customers’ ability to meet their price plan profile requirements during 2020/21. We have already previously informed customers that we were disregarding Q1 and Q2 when calculating Profile Surcharges following our analysis of the price plan profiles for those respective quarters.


We have now completed the review of the Q3 (October to December) and Q4 (January to March) price plan profiles and the results from this analysis show that, compared to the baseline profile, the overall/cumulative profile averaged out across all customers looks similar. However, we appreciate this may not be a fair reflection of the impact of Covid-19 on individual customers. 

Therefore, we have decided that the most appropriate solution is to disregard Q3 and Q4, in addition to Q1 and Q2, when calculating Profile Surcharges (for the purposes of 2020/21 only). This decision shall take effect under the provisions of Access Letters Contract Change Notice 064 which came into force on 31 March 2021.


For the avoidance of doubt, we will resume the application of Profile Surcharges as normal for the 2021/22 financial year.


If you have any questions regarding any of the matters in this letter, please contact your Account Director.